The cows we use to produce beef are from farmers, who deliver the cows on a regular basis. By doing so, we are able to adapt our beef to the wishes of the customer. In our range of beef we have three varieties of cows:
- The blue Belgian (Belgische Blauw);
- Limousine (Limousine-regional);
- Blond Aquitaine.
Years of innovation and development have made it possible to deliver different kinds of meat to customers.
At the moment we have three kinds of pork in our range of meat:
- Traditional pork;
- Pork with the label ‘’Krull’’;
- Pork with the label “Beter Leven” (Better Life), for more information look at certification.
In 2002 Vee- en Vleeshandel P. Krekels b.v. started the Krull-concept together with pork producer and initiator Raymond Cobben. Within this concept, pigs are able to live in good conditions. The pigs live in a stable where they have room to move and can lay on a large layer of sawdust, which is much more comfortable for pigs than regular stables. Pigs that live in a Krull stable are much more active, healthier and have much higher resistance towards diseases. The Krull meat was the first type of pork which received the ‘Beter Leven Star’ from the animal awareness foundation in 2006.
Krull meat is very tasty meat, which is furthermore produced in a responsible and humane way. You can enjoy this meat with a good conscience.